It was an unexpected journey for me, but I did make my way to DragonCon in Atlanta, GA this year!
I ended up staying at a hotel about a half-mile from the main area, so a LOT of walking was involved. I had a great time, but I have to admit, I’m glad to be home with my wife and daughter, who couldn’t make the trip.

One of the highlights for me, was actually sitting on a panel for the Four Horsemen Universe. As an author who only just published his first book in April of this year, the opportunity to help represent the 4HU at DragonCon was quite an honor.
Beyond that, it was an amazing opportunity for me to spend time with authors who have much more experience than I do. Probably mostly due to my unfamiliarity with the convention, where to go, what to do, etc. I didn’t get as much of that time as I would have liked, but I can say this without hesitation; the authors I did get to chat with were great! Each and every one of them was willing to spend a little time talking to a newer author, and give some advice or guidance. I hope next year I’m more prepared so I can get more time with them.
Attending the Dragon Awards ceremony was something else. The acceptance speeches by several of the authors really hit home for me as an author who hopes one day to be worthy of even being nominated to be a finalist.

Spartan’s Specialists released Friday, August 30th, and is doing well already! I’m humbled by the reaction I’ve gotten so far, and hope I can continue to do better, and keep the fans enjoying Spartan’s story in the Four Horsemen Universe.
Currently, I’m working on a full-length novel for Christopher Woods’ “Fallen World” universe, following up on my story “Mr. Smith Goes to Toronto” which was published in the From the Ashes anthology.

I’m excited to announce, that I also have a story in the upcoming Salvage Conquest anthology, in Kevin Steverson’s Salvage Title universe! That will be released on October 18th!