ConGregate 6 is in the books, and it was a great convention and opportunity for me. I won’t even talk about the drive up and back, which is always one of the worst parts of the convention experience. We all know that.

First, I want to give praise to the con chairs and volunteers. They did a great job putting on a small convention that really felt good to attend. Even the Thursday before the con officially started, I was flagged down by Tera, who had earlier recognized my Hoplite CASPer shirt (available in the store here on my web site), to join the pre-con gathering. So I found myself sitting around with some of the guests, volunteers, the con chairs, and Michael Stackpole. Talk about a great experience to start the convention!
Friday, the first day at 2:00pm, turned out to be a surprise, because suddenly I was ON the panel! Unfortunately, Eric Flint is dealing with some medical issues, and was unable to get to the convention, I’m sure we’re all wishing him a speedy recovery. Due to that, though, my publisher, Chris Kennedy, offered to have me fill the spot on the panel he was moderating on Writing Believable Military Science Fiction, which, I’ve grown to know a little bit about. It was, in fact, my first EVER panel, and I think I held my own pretty well, and had a great time! It was specifically good to meet Jim Beall, who I may be reaching out to as I work on my next full-length novel for consulting.

Photo thanks to Jim Beall
Through the rest of the convention, I spent time networking, plotting, planning, and grinning a lot as plans were developed. As will happen when authors get together, plans were made. I’m very excited about some upcoming projects with fellow Chris Kennedy Publishing authors. Before I went to the convention, I found myself considering what I would be writing after my next short story. I don’t have to consider anymore. I now have likely three more novels to plot out, and I have little doubt there are more that will develop before those are done.

Now, to what’s coming up! August 2nd, “From the Ashes,” an anthology set in the Fallen World universe edited by Christopher Woods and Chris Kennedy will be released, and you’ll get a look at lots of great stories! Among them, will be my own story about “Mr. Smith.” I hope you like it!
It was great to spend time with all my CKP family while I was there. I’m not going to try to list names, because I’ll certainly leave someone out. I will say that Scott and Cindy Kuntzelman are now the only people (so far) who have a copy of “With Your Shield” signed by both Chris, and myself. Thanks for bringing your copy for me to sign!
Sometime hopefully in October, the sequel to “With Your Shield” titled “Spartan’s Specialists” will be released. It picks up the day after the end of Shield, and carries Spartan through the entirety of the Omega Wars. I’ve handed it over to CKP for review and editing as of Saturday night (I worked every night of the convention to edit and get it ready to submit).
The next, and only other convention I have slated for 2019 is Fayetteville Comic Con, October 19-20 in Fayetteville, N.C.. For this convention, I will be a guest, and will be set up with books, and excited to meet and chat with fans both existing, and new.
Other than that, I’m writing, working, enjoying time with my family, and starting to plot out my convention schedule for 2020! Have an idea for a convention you think I should look into, or where you’d like to see me closer to you? Just let me know!